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Power Generation Transmission & Distribution services

Power Generation Capability
Abrazytec provides Power Generation Stations Design , Procurement ,
Construction / installation, Commissioning & Maintenance. Various technologies that are affordable, environmental friendly, reliable, have short time installation & commissioning. Robust , reliable design High fuel flexibility High exhaust energy Well proven dry low emissions (DLE), combustion systems. On load fuel changeover (gas to liquid fuel and liquid fuel to gas) Low lifecycle costs. Generation capacities range from 0.5MW minimum. T ariff rates will be calculated. The generators can be connected to the existing grid or operate on island mode.


Power Generation Technologies
Abrazytec will request power demand & deficit and current costs &
expenses. Generation capacities will be calculated and a plan rolled out. A
visibility study will be carried out to determine suitable generation capacities,
locations of power plants transmission and distribution grid connection
requirements. The relevant suitable Power generation technologies will be
selected and installed. Some of the systems may include a combination of
technologies some of which are modular and compact plug and play type and
takes short time to install.

Power Generation Technologies to be utilised
• Solar Energy
• Hydro power
• Gas Turbine s
• Wind turbines
• Reciprocating Engines Power


Fuel Source
In the event that fuel sources will need to be established and the duration of
the power plant is required. If there is no fue l supply network in the area
alternative arrangements can be arranged. Fuel imports from various
suppliers for long term plans can be arranged. If the agreement runs for
more than ten years, a long term reliable plan can be organised.

Financing & Funding
Funding the project will be required there are a lot of alternatives that can
be explored. Local funding from financiers or international finance can be
sourced. Abratech Pty Ltd may assist if required.


Service Agreements
Abrazytec offers Long Term Service Agreements (LTSA) for power
plants coupled with customer focused solutions which enable operators
to achieve top in class levels of power plant availability, and in turn help
secure the reliability of the overall grid. In designing LTSA based solutions,
Abrazytec Pty Ltd focusing on optimizing plant operations while minimizing
maintenance costs, taking responsibility for planning maintenance
programs, spare parts supply, dispatch of technical advisors, remote
monitoring, and more.


 Long Term Service Agreements (LTSA) Key support areas
• Short & long term maintenance to minimize plant downtime and optimize operation/maintenance costs.
• Optimization LTSA scope and spreading of maintenance. costs expenditure over time to minimize customers operating costs.
• Quality parts supply & replacement and technical support from highly
experienced engineers.
• Utilization of remote monitoring and operating data diagnostic systems
to assist with general plant optimization, including fuel change overs,
operating load changes, maintenance interval extensions and more.
• Provision of business risk minimization solutions, such as ways to
contend with decreased demand, unexpected plant outages.



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